Home / Explore / Empowerment thru Engineering: Summer STEM Program (HS) 2015

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Empowerment thru Engineering: Summer STEM Program (HS) 2015


Registration is now closed. Please visit projectsyncere.org to sign up for our mailing list. Project SYNCERE’s Empowerment thru Engineering Summer STEM Program for High School Students is provided in partnership with After School Matters and is for youth that wish to learn more about the exciting fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through project based learning. In addition to completing a series of challenges and projects revolving around robotics, participants in our programs will have the opportunity to create a virtual resume and portfolio that will grow as they do (high school and beyond), visit area colleges/universities to gain insight on the college admission process and campus life, participate in field trips to numerous local companies and agencies to learn more about STEM career fields and see engineers at work, and participate in professional development workshops. It is our goal to offer a well-rounded program that will ultimately teach youth the importance and benefits of higher education and career planning so that they become the next generation empowered to lead, serve, and innovate!

Badges you can earn for this workshop

Age: 14—18
Cost: FREE
Type: In Person

Date + Time

Date(s): 07/06/2015 - 08/14/2015

Days: Mon,

Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 AM

Registration deadline: 05/15/2015


Adrienne Wheeler




Perspectives - Joflin
1930 S. Archer
Chicago,IL 60615

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