Home / Explore / Mikva Challenge Summer Fellows 2015

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Mikva Challenge Summer Fellows 2015

Mikva Challenge

The Mikva Challenge Summer Fellows Program places students who have just finished their junior or senior year in high school to serve as interns in the offices of elected officials. Students spend 12 hours a week learning what goes on in elected officials' offices - What responsibilities and powers does that office come with? How do different constituencies work with that office? What tools and information would help young people develop a more active relationship with that office? - and 4-8 hours a week in leadership workshops with each other and Mikva staff. (This is a closed program.)

Badges you can earn for this workshop

Age: 16—20
Cost: FREE
Type: In Person

Date + Time

Date(s): 06/29/2015 - 08/07/2015

Days: Wed,

Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 AM

Registration deadline: n/a


Miriam Martinez




Mikva Challenge
320 S. Michigan, 4th Floor
Chicago,IL 60604

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