Home / Explore / Project Wishcraft- The Stylist August 10-14

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Project Wishcraft- The Stylist August 10-14

The Wishcraft Workshop

Clothes are just clothes without the unique person that makes them their own. Campers explore developing a signature personal style, getting the most out of what’s in their closets (or the floor) and pulling it all together with accessories and grooming. Campers design andCrush Logo Header construct a garment that celebrates their personal style. Includes a field-trip to CRUSH on Roscoe for an in-store hands-on fashion styling challenge (Starry Stitchers and Pedal Pushers on one day and Seamster Squad and Stellar Sewphisticates on another) and a photo-booth-style photo shoot.

Badges you can earn for this event

Age: 5—14
Cost: FREE
Type: In Person

Date + Time

Date(s): 08/10/2015 - 08/14/2015

Days: Mon,

Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Registration deadline: 08/10/2015


Kristina Betke




The Wischraft Workshop
2312 W Roscoe st
Chicago,IL 60618

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