Home / Explore / Game On! Tabletop Gaming for Adults

Game On! Tabletop Gaming for Adults

Chicago Public Library

Adults can socialize while learning a new game or playing a favorite. Bring your own game or play one of ours: Scrabble, Uno, Tsuro or chess. For ages 18 and up. Accessibility Need sign language interpretation or other accessibility assistance for this event? Please call (312) 747-8184 or email access@chipublib.org to request accommodations. Requests must be made at least 14 business days before the event. Photo source: CPL Staff #MCMFSpringForward
Age: 18—99
Cost: FREE
Type: In Person
Spring Break

Date + Time

Date(s): 03/27/2025 - 03/27/2025

Time: See Schedule

Registration deadline: 03/27/2025





5331 W. Devon Avenue
Chicago,IL 60646

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