Home / Explore / English Class for Beginners With Erie House/Clases de InglŽs Para Principiantes con La Casa Erie

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English Class for Beginners With Erie House/Clases de InglŽs Para Principiantes con La Casa Erie

Chicago Public Library

Join us in the Popular Library at the Harold Washington Library Center for an English language class led by Erie House. In each class, you will learn basic English and about the library's English study resources such as Cell-Ed. Erie House is a modern social service nonprofit with programming and resources for children and youth, mental health and community wellness, adult education and training, legal services, and more.Son invitados a tomar una clase de inglŽs dirigida por un maestro de Erie House en la Popular Library en el primer piso de la Biblioteca Harold Washington. En cada clase aprender ‡ inglŽs b ‡sico y c—mo usar recursos tales como Cell-Ed.Erie House es una organizaci—n comunitaria sin fines de lucro comprometida con el bienestar de las familias. Provee programas para ni–os, j—venes, adultos y familias. Ofrece recursos sobre la salud mental y bienestar communitario, educaci—n y entrenamiento para adultos, servicios legales, y m‡s. Accessibility: Need sign language interpretation or other accessibility assistance for this event? Please call (312) 747-8184 or email access@chipublib.org to request accommodations. Requests must be made at least 14 business days before the event.

Age: 18—99
Cost: FREE
Type: In Person

Date + Time

Date(s): 12/02/2024 - 12/02/2024

Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Registration deadline: n/a




(312) 747-4100


Harold Washington Library Center
400 S. State Street
Chicago,IL 60605

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