Home / Explore / Spring 2016: The After School Program

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Spring 2016: The After School Program

The Anti-Cruelty Society

The goal of this program is to help students gain insight into different issues related to animal welfare. Through hands-on activities, group discussions, and lectures from professionals in various animal-related fields, youth will explore issues and learn what they can do to make a difference in the lives of animals and people in their community and beyond. This course aims to be youth-guided, allowing participants to mold the direction of the topics covered within each theme addressed. While the After School Program focuses on specific themes related to animal welfare, the direction of learning within each theme will be guided by participating youth, making each session of ASP unique. Participants are expected to come to each class ready to contribute, think critically, and be actively engaged in discussions and activities. At the end of this 10-week program students will create a final project on a topic they found most inspiring and will present it to family and friends at the culminating event, "The After School Jam." *** The After School Program is offered each semester during the school year. The fall session begins in October and the spring session begins in February. Classes meet at The Anti-Cruelty Society’s Education and Training Center (169 W. Grand Ave.) every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. for ten weeks. Prospective students must submit an application, and go through an interview process.

Badges you can earn for this workshop

Age: 14—18
Cost: FREE
Type: In Person

Date + Time

Date(s): 02/04/2016 - 04/12/2016

Days: Tue,

Time: 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Registration deadline: 01/22/2016


Sarah Williams


(312) 644-8338 ext. 344


The Anti-Cruelty Society's Education and Training Center
169 W Grand Ave
Chicago,IL 60654

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