Home / Explore / Photography - Digital Phone at Wilson (Frank J.)

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Photography - Digital Phone at Wilson (Frank J.)

Chicago Park District

This course uses your cell phone to build basic skills in teens who have an interest in photography, but no prior experience. Using a combination of lecture, demonstration, and hands-on exercises, this course will explore the basic photographic techniques and artistic concerns involved in making photos. These include composition, effective use of light, digital image manipulation, printing and developing a photographic vision. Students entering the course must bring their own cell phone with a camera. Day of the week: Monday
Age: 18—99
Cost: $
Type: In Person

Date + Time

Date(s): 04/08/2024 - 06/03/2024

Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Registration deadline: 06/03/2024


Community Recreation -NorthRegion


(773) 685-6454


Wilson (Frank J.) Park
4630 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago,IL 60630

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