Understanding the Problem

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Put your thinking cap on to solve some pretty complex problems! How would you make tough choices about your schoolwork? What would you do if you couldn't get your robots to listen to you? And how might computers approach these problems differently than you would?

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100 Level - No experience necessary

You just found out that final exams for your science class and your math class are on the same day next week. Your science exam is worth 30% of your grade while your math exam is worth 25% of your final grade. However, you currently have a B+ in Science and only a B- in Math. How do you approach studying for these exams to make sure you get the best final grades possible? 

Before you can decide which study habits would be best, it's important that you understand the situation at hand. Use the "Defining the Problem Worksheet" below to help you work through your decision about your exams. 


1. Click on the "Defining the Problem Worksheet" below. 

2. Answer the questions on the worksheet, using your own goals and knowledge about the situation to guide you. 

3. Upload your answers to the "Defining the Problem Worksheet".

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