STEAM on Display: Middle School Program
STEAM on Display: Middle School Program

9 learners earned this badge

Students who have earned the STEAM on Display: Middle School Program badge successfully completed a Middle School Program course in Continuing Studies at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Students who earn the badge have demonstrated their ability to develop and express ideas related to course content through writing and orally. At the end of the course, the student participated in a final exhibition, displaying work accompanied by a written project description and/or an oral presentation to an audience that included instructors and classmates, friends and family, and members of the School community.


School of the Art Institute of Chicago


Badge Type: showcase

Expected Duration: 2 weeks


  1. [required] Final exhibition - completed projects accompanied by written project statements and/or oral presentation.

Earn by participating in:


Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

Arts and Technology: Video Game Design

Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

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Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

Design: Digital Design

Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

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Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

Fashion: Fashion Studio

Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

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Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

Film, Video, New Media, Animat: Animation Studio

Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

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Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

Fashion: Fashion Camp

Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

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Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

Architecture: Architecture Camp

Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

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Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

Design: Designed Inventions Camp

Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

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Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

Film, Video, New Media, Animat: Animation Camp

Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

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Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

Architecture: Architecture Camp

Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

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Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

Fashion: Fashion Camp

Students develop and express ideas through writing and orally in conjunction with an exhibition of class work.

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  • Lil' Engineer

    Developed geometry and physics skills through experimenting with bridge building.


    The Architect Badge represents the application of geometric principles to plan, design and construct structures to achieve a score of 65% or higher on the Geometry and Measurement Assessment.

  • 3D Designer

    Become a 3D Designer with FUSE! Design your own jewelry, model cars, eye glasses, or a 3D self-portrait to earn this badge.

  • Level One

    Start your first FUSE Challenge! You can earn the FUSE Level 1 badge after you complete Level 1 of your first challenge, which will unlock later levels for you to explore.