Visual Jazz Masters - Public Art Badge
Visual Jazz Masters - Public Art Badge

0 learners earned this badge

The badge earner worked on a large scale public art work with other young artists and used his/her skills to collaborate on the piece. The lead artist provided a guide to the student as a way to visual the piece, and the student used their own artistic ability to finalize the artwork with peers. The lead artist chose the name "Visual Jazz Master" as a reference to a jazz band, where each musician will work from a sheet of music but will improvise their own renditions of the song to create a new musical piece as a full jazz band. The students learned to be comfortable in their own making by creating sketches and draft paintings of the public art piece. The student then collaborated with peer artists to design and paint on the walls of the public art piece. The final public work is recognized by the community as a collaborate piece between many young artists, and is a part of the student's own portfolio.


National Museum of Mexican Art | Yollocalli Arts Reach

Evidence: Photo

Badge Type: skill

Expected Duration: 8 weeks


  1. [required] Complete a large scale public art work in collaboration with a lead artist and peer artists.

Earn by participating in:


You earned this badge for getting the rhythm of the mural but coming together like a true jazz master with your own artistic, improvisational techniques.

Yollocalli Arts Reach - Public Art Internship

You earned this badge for getting the rhythm of the mural but coming together like a true jazz master with your own artistic, improvisational techniques.

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You earned this badge for getting the rhythm of the mural but coming together like a true jazz master with your own artistic, improvisational techniques.

Yollocalli Arts Reach - Summer 2015 Public Art Internship

You earned this badge for getting the rhythm of the mural but coming together like a true jazz master with your own artistic, improvisational techniques.

Sorry. This activity is no longer available.

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  • Can You Hear Me Now? Badge 2018

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  • Competition Participation

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