Story Week Festival of Writers
Story Week Festival of Writers

0 learners earned this badge

Students that earn this showcase badge have participated in an 8-week workshop with Hypertext Studio and Columbia College instructor, Chris Rice. During this workshop, students wrote, rewrote and practiced a body of writing to perform during Story Week Festival of Writers for a public audience.


Digital Youth Network


Badge Type: showcase

Expected Duration: 8 weeks


  1. Performance of writing project that student has been working on for the past 8 weeks of a Hypertext Studio writing workshop. Students will perform this project as part of Chicago's Story Week. http://events.colum.edu/event/chicago_city_of_learning_young_author_playlist?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=Columbia+College+Chicago#.VQnIwWR4qwA

Earn by participating in:


Everyone has a story to tell. What’s yours? Perform your work as part of Story Week in Chicago.

Young Author Playlist

Everyone has a story to tell. What’s yours? Perform your work as part of Story Week in Chicago.

Sorry. This activity is no longer available.

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