Intro to Green Studies
Intro to Green Studies

0 learners earned this badge

Learn more about how to protect our environment and our home here on Earth with this introduction to green studies. Start online by listening to and learning from the experts of the Green Industry. Take this knowledge and put it to work with DIY.org by becoming a solar engineer and an expert salvager, where you can become an active part in saving environment.


Badge Type: Challenge

  • Citizen Science Level 3

    This badge is earned by completing your Citizen Science project. You will use your own observations and those from your Citizen Science community to explain, document, and answer your question and will create a multimedia presentation of your results to present at the summer CSOL fair.

  • Bongo Balance

    Bongo Balance teaches you the fundamentals of balancing equations by letting you settle feuds between tribal monkey clans. Complete this game to earn this disposition badge

  • Cell Command

    In Cell Command, you'll embark on a series of exciting missions aboard a microscopic "cell ship." Complete this game to earn the Cell Command disposition badge.

  • Citizen Science Level 1

    This badge is earned by learning more about Citizen Science and its place in the world. You will test out different citizen science sites online and review them to find the one that best matches your interests and that you want to contribute to and learn from. You will learn how to generate great visual evidence (incredible photographs, detailed sketches) and how to use the global positioning system (GPS).